Vegan soup of vegetables.

 Vegan soup of vegetables. 

 Healthy, filling, flavorful, and nutritious vegan vegetable soup recipe. An easy-to-make, healthy bowl of goodness with root vegetables that boost immunity and fragrant herbs! 

 The traditional Romanian sour soup, also known as Ciorba de Perisoare, is veganized. Really, it isn't sour until you add the last, fresh squeeze of lime, which brings out and enlivens all the flavors. 

 The traditional recipe calls for tiny meatballs called "Perisoare" that are made from a rice and meat mixture. I chose to combine earthy farro with dehydrated, chopped up meaty soy curls for a healthier alternative. The finished product was better than I remembered it being as a child—cruelty-free, made from plants, had no cholesterol, and was oozing with flavor. 


 Ingredients for vegetable soup. 


 A diced onion, one. 

 Two carrots, diced. 

 • 1 diced parsley root. 

 2 diced celery stalks. 

 • 1 cup diced celery root. 

 • Diced from 1 large bell pepper. 

 •28 oz. Can of diced tomatoes (San Marzano is recommended). 

 • 2 bay leaves. 

 •1.5 Tbsp dried lovage. 

 Farro (brown rice, barley, or wheat berries) is one cup. 

 • Water, 8–9 cups. 

 •1 cup soy curls, optional but advised. 

 To taste, add S and P. 

 •1 lime. 

 • optional garnishes of cilantro leaves and vegan sour cream. 

 •Introduce LOVAGE - Lovage is a prized herb throughout Europe that is underappreciated in America but has been used since the Roman era to enhance the flavor of any soup or stew. It can be used fresh or dried and is genuinely the magical herb of Europe. It has a stronger flavor with hints of anise and lemon, earning it the nickname "false celery" in French. Due to the fact that I could only find it dried in the US, I am now cultivating my own. 

 •Root Vegetables: Carrot and Parsley. These root vegetables' rich flavor and nuttiness elevate the soup to a new level. I still include celery stalks in this recipe, but I never would have thought to make this soup without celery root. I adore the flavor that the parsley root adds to this dish as well, but you could substitute a parsnip or some finely chopped parsley stems, which are just as flavorful. For the various flavors to blend into the tastiest broth, everything must be cooked at the same time. This soup should be served piping hot with a slice of crusty bread and a drizzle of vegan sour cream because it tastes best the second and third days. 

 •Farro, or as I like to refer to it, "the mother of all wheat," is available in both whole grain and pearled varieties. Since it is typically just labeled as "Farro," it can be difficult to know what kind you actually have in the pantry. The whole grain, which is darker in color and takes 35 to 45 minutes to cook, is preferred; the pearled variety only needs 15 minutes. You might be able to identify the type by looking at the cooking times on the package. Alternate options include nutty barley, wheat berries, or whole grain brown rice. 

 •Tomatoes: Use diced canned tomatoes from a can for this recipe. San Marzano tomatoes are best, but since the final product will be sour, you can use any tomato variety. In order to achieve the ultimate flavor profile I want for this soup, I would avoid using the fire-roasted ones. 

 • Soy curls are optional but highly advised. They replace the traditional meatballs known as "perisoare" in this dish and offer a whole food meaty texture, additional protein, and general heartiness. 

 Lime is the acidic component that binds this soup together in the prettiest way and makes each ingredient stand out on its own. The distinctive sour notes in the soup can also be achieved by using "white borscht," but since we have a lime tree of our own, we are using that instead. 

 Carrots, parsley, and other root vegetables. This soup is elevated by the rich flavor and nuttiness of the root vegetables. I still include celery stalks in this soup, but I never would have thought to omit the celery root. I adore what the parsley root adds to this dish as well, but you could substitute a parsnip or some finely chopped parsley stems, which are just as flavorful. For the various flavors to blend into the tastiest broth, everything must be cooked at the same time. This soup should be served piping hot with some crusty bread and a drizzle of vegan sour cream because it tastes best the second and third days. 

 •Farro, or as I like to refer to it, "the mother of all wheat," is available in both whole grain and pearled varieties. Since it is typically just labeled as "Farro," it can be difficult to determine what kind you actually have in the pantry. The whole grain, which is darker in color and cooks in 35 to 45 minutes, is preferred; the pearled variety cooks in only 15 minutes. You could figure out what kind it is by looking at the cooking times on the package. Alternate options include nutty barley, wheat berries, or whole grain brown rice. 

•Tomatoes - You should use diced canned tomatoes for this recipe; the San Marzano variety is best, but you can get away with using an acidic variety since the end result will be a sour soup. In order to achieve the ultimate flavor profile I want for this soup, I would avoid using the fire-roasted ones. 

 • Soy curls are optional but highly advised. They take the place of the traditional meatballs "perisoare" in this dish and offer a whole food meaty texture, additional protein, and general heartiness. Obtain them here!  

 Lime's acidity gives this soup its lovely consistency and makes each ingredient stand out on its own. The distinctive sour notes in the soup can also be achieved by using "white borscht," but since we have a lime tree of our own, we are using that instead. 

 How to Prepare Vegetable Soup That Is Vegan:. 

 1. A big onion can be sautéed to add a base flavor. 

 2. Your vegetables should be peeled, diced, and added to the pot with the onions during this time. 

 3. Bring the water to a boil while adding the herbs, tomatoes, and tomatoes. 

 4. When the grains are fully cooked, stir in the farro (barley, wheat berries, or rice) and soy curls. 

 5. Season to taste with sea salt and freshly squeezed lime juice. Toss in some vegan sour cream and serve with some crusty bread. 



 1. In a medium bowl, add the soy curls and hot water to the top. To become rehydrated, let the item soak for 20 minutes. Any extra water should be drained and squeezed out. Slice the soy curls into bite-sized pieces after transferring them to a cutting board. Set apart. 

 2. In a large stockpot that has been preheated over medium-low heat, cook the onion until translucent by adding a drizzle of olive oil or, for WFPB Plantricious compliance, a splash of water. 

 3. Add the diced celery root, celery stalks, parsley root, and carrot. Cook for a few minutes until the vegetables start to soften, then toss to thoroughly coat. 

 4. Bring the water, tomatoes, bell pepper, bay leaf, and other ingredients to a gentle boil. 

 5. When the grains are fully cooked, stir in the lovage, soy curls, and farro (barley or rice). 

 6. Add sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper, then squeeze in the juice from half of the lime. Taste and adjust the seasonings. Squeeze the other half of the lime to taste. 

 WFPB   Plantricious. 

 1. To ensure that the soup complies, make sure to sauté all of your vegetables in water or vegetable broth rather than olive oil. 



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