Kunde (cowpea, Vigna unguiculata) is a rich food source, and practically all pieces of the plant are utilized in certain pockets of Makueni Province (in Nziu and Kibwezi Locale) in south focal Kenya. The yield can be become as either a yearly or an enduring.
• ¼ cup unsalted cooked peanuts or 3 tablespoons smooth peanut butter
• 2 tablespoons canola oil
• 1 yellow onion, finely cleaved
• 1 teaspoon ground coriander
• 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
• 1 enormous tomato finely hacked
• Genuine salt
• Two 15.5-ounce jars dark peered toward peas , depleted and washed
• ½ cup water
In the case of utilizing entire peanuts, place them in a food processor and heartbeat until finely ground, practically like sand. Put the peanuts away.
Warm the oil in a medium pan set over medium intensity. Add the onion and cook, blending sporadically, until it starts to mellow, around 5 minutes. Add the coriander and turmeric and cook, blending, until fragrant, around 30 seconds. Add the tomato and an enormous spot of salt and cook, blending incidentally, until the fluid from the tomato has dissipated and the combination is very dry, around 5 minutes. Add the peas, peanuts (or peanut butter, if utilizing), and water, increment the intensity to high, and heat the combination to the point of boiling. Lessen the intensity to low and stew just until the peas have retained a portion of the brilliant flavor, around 5 minutes. Season the peas to taste with salt and serve right away, while hot. Extras can be put away in a sealed shut compartment in the cooler for up to a couple of days and rewarmed in a weighty pot set over low intensity (mix while you heat).